How to lose weight before your Vacation | 3 unbelievably easy steps

How to lose weight before your Vacation | 3 unbelievably easy steps


How do you quickly lose weight?

I knew my behavior and mindset around food needed to change.

After my trip to the Bahamas, I decided enough was enough, I was going to learn how to lose weight so I would look decent in my upcoming travel pictures and videos.

My recent success had my trying all types of exotic foods and ordering bigger plates than I ever imagined I could.

I’ve tried a lot of different methods and I have to say that using Exipure changed my image in the shortest amount of time.

Before I got to Exipure I learned how to lose weight using diet and exercise but the process was slow and probably unhealthy.

In this article, I will explain the other methods I tried and how Exipure forever changed and improved my weight loss journey.

I couldn't believe my weight ruined such an epic picture.
My weight was ruining my pictures

I’m a Travel Advisor.

People were looking to me for information on how to enjoy their vacations in the Caribbean and other tropical areas.

While editing the video I made exploring Atlantis in the Bahamas, I looked at my physical condition and something in my mind changed.

I felt humiliated. I knew how to lose weight so why was I back up to this weight?

It’s almost impossible to enjoy an action-packed fun-filled Vacation when you feel:

  • uncomfortable.
  • Tired.
  • Unmotivated to get up.
  • The hot weather was beating me up.
  • None of my brand-new outfits looked as cool as I thought they would.
  • The chicks were not choosing
  • I couldn’t keep up while walking or doing other physical activities.
  • I wasn’t sure how to lose weight

After editing that video, I all but lost motivation to even continue making Passport Kings Travel Videos.

I decided to change so I started eating less, counting calories with My fitness app and I worked out in the gym 6 days a week.

My Basics were:

Cut my caloric intake to 1,500 calories daily.

Burn off 700 calories daily, engaging in aerobic activity, such as walking on the treadmill.

Pairing my weight training with exercises targeting your arms, shoulders, and upper back so I could lift myself and others in a crisis.

Everything was going according to plan as I was losing about 2 lbs a week.

But I had a trip to Jamaica coming up fast.

I refused to not meet my goals before filming myself again.

In my article about why friends become flaky right before trips, I was about to be that overweight person thinking of flaking out on a vacation.

how to lose weight in 7 days

Although I had more than a week to go, I was able to achieve my weight loss goal in a week.

The diet and exercise were working great but I needed a secret ingredient to feeling the way I wanted to feel for my show.

Most people say that I shouldn’t feel self-conscious about my look because I’m already traveling the world and enjoying life.

But with this kind of business, content creation, it already takes a lot of pride that most people don’t have to even get on camera.

How could I tell people about doing all of these strenuous activities without telling them how to lose weight so they can enjoy themselves and be safe?

The younger kids have taken to TikTok and Instagram like magnets but people from my generation have always been hesitant to put themselves out there.

I knew I had a story to share!

I knew I had info to help people get out of the rut that I was once in, so I swallowed my pride, raised my own tolerance to criticism, and started my popular YouTube channel.

Being a man, I’m used to ignoring my feelings and people’s opinions of me, and I really don’t care when people criticize me in the comments.

But becoming overweight was something I was starting to criticize myself about.

I could not be “the fat Passport guy” out of breath, trying to sell travel

How to lose weight without exercise using Exipure

I was eating healthy all day… spinach, chicken, and broccoli.

I tried all the diets… keto, paleo, and vegan.

I was still hungry, and I was still tired.

But every morning, I stepped on the scale and my weight only moved slowly.

While in the Bahamas, I was too tired and too exhausted to make a quality video.

That’s when a native introduced me to Exipure.

A newly discovered bizarre tropical fat-dissolving loophole that has NOTHING to do with dieting or exercise… (in fact eating my favorite food is recommended!)

And once I saw the fat melt away for me too, I had to share it with you.

==> One Tropical Loophole Dissolves Fat Overnight

This incredible fat-dissolving loophole had been hidden for centuries by a small number of families on a remote Vietnamese island, try it for yourself here.

If exercise and eating right are working too slowly for your upcoming trip, please click the links above to see the science behind Exipure.

You need to lose weight safely and make sure you maintain a healthy weight.

How to lose belly fat for your trip?

The funny thing about stubborn belly fat is it’s unable to be targeted.

You can do 1000 sit-ups a day and all of the muscle you gain will be formed under the fat that’s sitting right under your skin.

Losing your overall fat is the only known answer to how to lose weight and burn belly fat.

The only traditional way to lose belly fat, according to is by burning more calories per day than you intake.

The cool thing about the MyFitnessPal app that I was using, is it counts your calorie intake minutes after you eat a meal.

You may think your belly fat is the only thing wrong with your body weight, but unless it’s a tumor, belly fat is a symptom of a bigger problem.

Even if you eat fast food, all you will need to do is type in the menu number of your order.

The app will find the number of calories in the order and add it to your daily intake.

Also, after you exercise, you can type in the amount of time you walked or lifted weights.

This is all of the information you really need to know to learn how to lose weight.

As long the number coming in is less than the number of calories going out, you will lose weight guaranteed.

This method will 100% teach you how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently.

The funny thing is, you won’t even be that hungry in the beginning and as time progresses, you will wonder why you ate so much in the 1st place.

Getting up and heading to the gym every day may become a hassle as well, especially since most people use all of their time in the morning to get ready for work.

I could easily tell you to just get up earlier, but wagging my finger is not going to do a good job of helping you learn how to lose weight before your trip abroad.

I would never use a scolding method if you signed up to become a travel agent with me in Plannet marketing and were not performing to your highest potential.

Plus I know what it’s like to not have the energy to work out, especially in the morning.

What are the 3 keys to weight loss?

  1. Eat fewer calories than you burn by exercise.
  2. Use the fitness Pal App to keep count
  3. Don’t drink alcohol during this time.

These 3 keys to how to lose weight are pretty much all you need when you want to know how to lose weight before a big trip, wedding, or anything that will require you to smile, take pictures, or be in videos.

After that, you have my permission to go right back to how you’re used to living…

But once you see how easy this process is, and you’ve gotten rid of your unnecessary eating cravings, you probably won’t go back. I didn’t!

how to lose weight at home

The best part about these ways to lose weight is it all can be done at home.

Health and well-being are both improved by exercising.

Individuals who have a larger body weight are at risk for developing many different health problems, including hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease.

Avocados can also be useful in controlling the health impacts associated with added weight.

If you’re diagnosed with diabetes, you can improve your health by exercising more often.

When I first moved to Atlanta, I had a plan.

I learned how to buy my gas cheap and I was in tip-top shape!

Unfortunately, success seemed to make me hungry, lol.

You don’t need anything special.

Contrary to popular belief, Losing weight is unbelievably easy.

Making a decision that your going to stick to is the hard part.

Counting calories is so straightforward.

Just take note of every single calorie you consume.

Next, burn more than what you consumed each and every day.

Not eating certain things is not as important to how to lose weight as so many people think.

It doesn’t matter if you eat cake, bacon, or beer as long as you burn it.

Use a supplement when learning how to lose weight, but don’t depend on it as if it’s a magic bullet.

The cool thing about the science behind how to lose weight with Exipure and stay in a calorie deficit is it works 100% of the time.

The amount of time it takes is up to you.

At home, you can walk around the house to get your steps in and cook your own meals according to your allowed calories.

That’s it!

Benefits of losing weight before a vacation

When you get to your destination, you will have the energy to participate.

The Sun won’t make you sweat as much.

You will be able to wake up early and go to bed late.

You paid good money for these nights abroad and they will come and go before you realize it.

You want to enjoy each hour of each day.

Those afternoon naps won’t last as long because your body will recover faster.


You don’t need weight maintenance warriors in the form of gym memberships and personal trainers.

When I didn’t go to the gym, I got my steps in by just walking my dog.

This is how to lose weight in its easiest, quickest, and most efficient form.

It can be done by Walking, Eating Less, and those healthy diet pills.

These are my simple weight loss tips.

Now get back in shape and book a fantastic trip like a king!

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